Getting a ham radio license is an important step for anyone who wants to legally operate an amateur radio station. The license demonstrates that you have passed an exam that shows you understand the basic concepts of radio communication, regulations, and safety. Here are some important things to know about getting a ham radio license:

  • Licensing Levels: There are three license levels in the US, known as Technician, General, and Extra. The higher the level, the more privileges you have in terms of the frequencies and modes you can use, as well as the power levels you can transmit with.
  • Exam: You must pass a written exam for each license level you wish to obtain. The exam covers topics such as radio theory, regulations, and operating practices. Study guides and practice exams are available online to help you prepare.
  • FCC: In the United States, ham radio licenses are issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Once you pass the exam, you can apply for a license through the FCC’s Universal Licensing System (ULS). There is a fee for the exam, and also a fee to apply for the license.
  • Call Sign: Once you have your license, you will be assigned a unique call sign that identifies you as a licensed ham operator. The call sign will be used when you transmit on the air.

Getting a ham radio license is not only important for legal reasons, but it is also a valuable way to learn more about radio communication and become part of a vibrant community of amateur radio enthusiasts. So, if you’re interested in getting started with ham radio, consider studying for the exam and obtaining your license.

Obtain Your FCC Reference Number (FRN)

Step 1: Go to the FCC Registration System (CORES) website.

Step 2: Click on the “Register” button on the top right corner of the page.

Step 3: You will be prompted to create an FCC Username and Password. Follow the prompts and create your account.

Step 4: Once you have created your account, log in to the FCC Registration System (CORES) website using your FCC Username and Password.

Step 5: On the CORES homepage, click on the “Manage FRNs” button.

Step 6: If you do not have an FRN number, click on the “Register New FRN” button.

Step 7: You will be prompted to enter your personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Step 8: Once you have entered all of the required information, click on the “Submit” button.

Step 9: You will receive a confirmation email from the FCC with your newly assigned FRN number.

Register An Online Exam Session

Step 1: Go to the website and create an account by clicking on the “Sign Up” button on the top right corner of the page.

Step 2: Once you have created an account, log in to your account using your email address and password.

Step 3: Click on the “Dashboard” button on the top right corner of the page.

Step 4: Scroll down to the “Exam Session” section and click on the “Register” button next to the session you want to register for.

Step 5: You will be prompted to confirm your registration and agree to the exam rules and regulations. You may need to provide your FRN.

Step 6: Once you have confirmed your registration, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to prepare for the exam.

Step 7: On the day of the exam, log in to your account on and click on the “Join Exam” button next to the session you registered for.

Step 8: Follow the instructions to take the online exam.

Step 9: After completing the exam, you will receive your exam results immediately.